Santa’s Parade of Lights - Oshawa

Parade Date: Saturday, November 19, 2022

Deadline for entries: Monday, November 14, 2022

How to Enter Oshawa’s Santa’s Parade of Lights:

1. Complete every section of this application form. This information is vital to your placement in the parade. Please ensure all information is clear and concise.

2. Fees: Cash, e-transfer or cheque

  • There is a $100.00 fee for business/corporate entries.
  • There is a $50.00 fee for non-profit groups for each entry and/or vehicle
  • All applications are subject to approval by the Oshawa’s Santa’s Parade of Lights Committee.

3. The week prior to the parade you will receive an email setting out final parade details.


4. Please scan and email your application to:

You can e-transfer your fees to

NOTE: If you do an e-transfer MAKE SURE you identify your organization.

Cheques are payable to: Oshawa Santa Claus Parade

OR you can deliver your application and fees to:

c/o Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce/Core 21 building

21 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, ON L1H 4G1

5. NOTE:

The Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce office is a store-front location kindly assisting the Oshawa’s Santa’s Parade of Lights Committee with the applications/fees. No one from the Parade Committee works there.

6. Applications received without appropriate fees or insurance information will NOT be entered into the line-up until application process is complete.


Telephone Contact Numbers

This application will NOT be accepted without appropriate insurance information *INSURANCE AND FEES MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO PARADE*

Proof of Insurance:

You may opt to upload your insurance information as a separate document via the file uploader below instead

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Parade Entry Details:Please be specific as this information affects parade line-up Type of Each Vehicle EVERY VEHICLE IN PARADE MUST BE DECORATED

MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) VEHICLES PER PARADE ENTRY – NO EXCEPTIONS (Note: a truck pulling a trailer constitutes ONE vehicle) Note: Someone who can drive your vehicle must remain with the vehicle at all time once entering the marshalling area. Vehicles left unattended (unable to be moved) in the marshalling area prior to parade will forfeit participation in the parade. Line-up # will be provided upon entry to marshalling area.

Will there be Marchers?

ALL MARCHERS must be dressed up reflecting the Christmas season. If not, you may be subject to removal from the parade (a Santa hat, antlers, etc., something festive)


I have advised my float/vehicle driver that they must remain with the float/vehicle at all times it is in the marshalling area. I am responsible for ALL INDIVIDUALS associated with my float and undertake to advise all parents with children or individuals associated with my float the exact details of our entry. I will advise all parents of children associated with my float that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are drop-offs allowed within the marshalling area. Parade entries with marchers must establish drop-off and pick-up point OUTSIDE of the marshalling area.

Please read:

By signing this application, I, the undersigned, have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the Santa’s Parade of Lights, Oshawa, Rules and Regulations attached hereto. Santa’s Parade of Lights, Oshawa, and its Parade Committee members will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injuries regarding all floats/entries entered in the parade. All applicants take full responsibility for their entry, people and animals associated with their float.

, confirm that I will take responsibility in making sure the above is complied with.
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